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来源:bat365官网登录入口   发布时间:2018-06-11

关于何海波教授《AlphaGo Zero and Beyond: Integrated Learning and Control for Machine Intelligence》学术报告的通知

报告题目:AlphaGo Zero and Beyond: Integrated Learning and Control for Machine Intelligence

报告人:何海波教授(美国罗德岛大学讲席教授,IEEE Fellow






The recently advancements in artificial intelligence, especially the mastering of the Go game from Google AlphaGo/AlphaGo Zero, has witnessed tremendous excitements worldwide from academia, industry, and government. This impressive progress not only demonstrated the power of machine learning over complicated tasks, but also provided the opportunity of artificial intelligence to play a critical role in a wide range of applications.

This talk aims to discuss the recent research developments in integrated learning and control based on reinforcement learning (RL), one of the core foundations that AlphaGo/AlphaGo Zero was develop upon. Specifically, I will introduce a new RL and adaptive dynamic programing (ADP) framework for improved decision-making capability, and further explore their wide applications in cyber physical systems (CPS) across different domains. This framework integrates a hierarchical goal generator network to provide the system a more informative and detailed internal goal representation to guide its decision-making. Compared to the existing methods with a manual or hand-crafted reinforcement signal design, this framework can automatically and adaptively develop the internal goal representation over time. Under this framework, I will present numerous applications ranging from smart grid control to human-robot interaction to demonstrate its broader and far-reaching applications in CPS. As a multi-disciplinary research area, I will also discuss the future research challenges and opportunities in this field.



何海波博士是美国罗德岛大学(University of Rhode Island)的讲席教授(Robert Haas Endowed Chair Professor),智能计算与自适应系统实验室主任,IEEE Fellow

何海波主要从事智能计算以及其在智能电网,大数据,深度学习,机器人应用等方向的研究。已出版学术著作1本,编著1, 编著会议论文集6本,在权威学术期刊和会议上发表论文300多篇。其发表的论文在专业领域产生了深远的影响,包括IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering上高引用论文(单篇论文引用超过2900),多篇进入Essential Science Indicators ESI)高引用论文,IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security封面论文,IEEE 通信协会最佳阅读论文(IEEE Communications Society Best Readings等等。其指导的博士生中已有5名在美国和加拿大主要的国家级大学担任助理教授(tenure-track assistant professor),4名获得了中国国家留学基金委评选的“国家优秀自费留学生奖,”获得海内外大量媒体包括中央广播电视总台的报道,2名获得罗德岛大学最优博士论文奖。

何海波目前担任《IEEE神经网络与学习系统汇刊》(IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems)(影响因子:6.108)的主编Editor-in-Chief)。曾担任10多个IEEE 各类技术委员会主席和副主席,包括IEEE智能计算协会新兴技术委员会主席(Chair, IEEE CIS Emergent Technology Technical Committee)IEEE智能计算协会神经网络技术委员会主席(Chair, IEEE CIS Neural Network Technical Committee), IEEE智能计算智能电网副主席(Vice Chair ,IEEE CIS Smart Grid Task Force)等等。在世界各地高校、研究机构和学术会议做了60多个邀请报告,包括若干国际学术会议的大会报告(Plenary Speaker)。曾担任20多个国际会议的各类主席职务(General Chair, Program Chair, Finance Chair等等)

何海波获得2014IEEE国际通信会议最佳论文奖(IEEE ICC 2014 Best Paper Award),2014IEEE智能计算协会杰出早期职业发展成就奖(IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award), 2011年美国自然科学基金委杰出青年奖(National Science Foundation CAREER Award)等。

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